Grab Your Backpack!

Recently my oldest bears were asked about the talents of their parents. I wasn’t in the room so I don’t know how it went down but when I asked how they responded to the posed question, middle bear replied “we said dad is a good cook and mom knows about the computer.” Perplexed since I am not savvy in the least with any technology…I simply get by. They don’t see me on the computer during the day when baby bear does decides to nap and they are in school, or when I do get some computer time in the evening after I tuck them in and when I can concentrate with what little senses I have left. Why didn’t they boast about my talents in chauffeuring, dispensing money when needed (okay that’s really Papa Bear), giving great hugs, being a formidable tennis opponent, loud cheerleader, intriguing storyteller, laundress or short order cook? I’m in the kitchen most of the time so why not mention my bon vivant craftiness there. If I’m not scrubbing, rinsing, prepping, dicing, sautéing, roasting, frying or baking, then I’m wiping counters and tabletops, sweeping the floors and cleaning tableware and pans…in the kitchen aiming to please growling tummies of all my bears. I’m a tyrant about eating wholesome foods, not welcoming anything that comes in a box except for an occasional box of cereal made from legumes or some snacks…almost everything I serve is from scratch, dedicated hours every day for meals three times a day that for the most part create seductive smells in the kitchen. It had me wondering why these activities I do day in and day out don’t seem like a big deal to them, although I’m sure in my absence, it would be suspected. On the other hand, they are correct. The diurnal and nocturnal endeavors I perform are not exactly talents…they are things that all parents do who are steeped in pure love.  In an effort to explore what my talents may be, I am off to adventures outside the nest, things we did every day when the older bear were cubs, when their days weren’t consumed with actives and obligations. But exploration can also mean to delve into whatever you may be doing and dig deep to investigate how perhaps a better connection can be made. How can we welcome compassion and make our concatenated events complete, naturally and easily? Are you with my little scouts…let’s forge ahead and sing about this week, rejoice in it one breath at a time. Check out this little exploradora of mine noticing birds in a sweet chirping duet as the rain fell on her for the first time. 

18 thoughts on “Grab Your Backpack!

  1. It’s funny to hear the descriptors our kids give us. And it seems moms always get too little credit for the many things we do. People promise me when the kids are adults, they’ll remember and comment on our extra efforts. I’m not holding my breath…

    Cute video! And I love that top pic. It’s a play on the eyes, because at first glance, it appears part of your head is missing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Isn’t that funny to hear how your little guys assess your talents and abilities. Knowing how much attention you give to their nutrition and the time that it takes in the kitchen to provide the best meals, it is quite humorous that dad gets the kudos as chef! I think when all is right in their world they really don’t consider “roles” and just feel loved and cared for! I love the video, Cristina! What a little doll she is. And I know right where you were. 🙂 Such a fun great place….I’m envious of your proximity! xx

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    • Honestly Debra they are right Papa Bear is a great chef and they do see him in the kitchen doing his magic on the weekends when they are home from school. The sous chef never really gets the credit ever…it’s okay I’ll keep chopping and prepping away while they are at school or sports practice without any kudos. Isn’t it a fabulous place…can you believe there is a high school in the building and that there is as much concrete in it to pave a sidewalk all the way to Anaheim! At least that what my little bears told me from the tour they took on their field trip.


  3. Your little one is edibly cute! It’s is funny how kids perceive us and what we do. I am sure mine will have a similar reaction – I do the cooking everyday but dad takes over at the weekend and I know she sees him as the one who cooks! I might ask her this question one of these days – always love to explore their intriguing little minds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, she has us all smitten. I can’t wait to hear what your little one’s intriguing mind comes up with once you pose the question. Cooking is a remedy for Papa Bear and all the little bears enjoy learning in the kitchen. Happy creating in your kitchen.


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