Road Ends

or was it road closed that I read? It was staked at the edge of a cliff with the roaring sea below ready to engulf our scuffed and grazed Citroen rental. Really, yah think? Good thing we were looking far ahead as my father’s words of wisdom is forever ingrained in my head about driving; look toward the horizon and you will not miss a thing. Sure enough, I am certain my driving record is nearly accident free as a result of giving myself enough time to brake or maneuver from unfortunate conditions that occurred in front of me. We turned to the sun-weathered face of the all black shrouded hitchhiker we had just pick up further up the dirt road and it remained stoic, just as we spotted her from the side of the road. She was not concerned about the road ending, surely, she had known but had enough confidence in my friend’s driving skills that she didn’t as much lift a finger of warning. I guess having lived a long and rugged life and now being widowed, she may have been at peace if we did take that plunge. Every time I see a sign with those words I think about that drive we shared with the silent stranger whom I was hoping was heading home to shower or maybe into town to purchase a bar of deodorant, cornstarch…something to absorb the impenetrable layered funk. Breathing through our mouths with all windows down, we finally could smell the fragrant fields of oregano when she tapped the driver on his shoulder and pointed to the upcoming intersection. Here? But there’s nothing but a junction, I wondered how long she waited for her next chauffeur to come her way.In one of our walks over the summer, we witness another sign. This one alerted the reader with more time, other than ambling into spindly thicket, the end wouldn’t have been your final journey. It was a stroll without a laudable goal, it was still summer after all when doing nothing is something in and of itself—an art form. Quality idle time that pairs well when grilling, floating in a pool of water, or promenading with nowhere in mind. I blame summertime ennui to my carefree impromptu and deserting projects of all kinds around the nest. Except for some organizing and purging, I made the decision to ditch the plans for the start of the school year. Clothes that we outgrew loaded in the car bound for donation, piles of paperwork for shredding…just a little organization and extraction makes for a more distilled and purposeful space in the nest and in my heart.Excesses and chaos paralyzes me. In my head, a beautiful nest is one with purposeful, accessible and useful items. It brings me to my better self and to a better life. And so, this is how I accept reluctantly the Fall schedule. There is nothing sensible about it, this season of school. Tight schedules are hard on our bodies and our souls and now we have terrible commutes in different directions to throw into the mix. It’s not fun. When I am home, I like to enjoy a space that works for us instead of against us like our schedules. What are you doing in your nest to make things tangible and uncomplicated?

17 thoughts on “Road Ends

  1. “Excesses and chaos paralyzes me.”—I feel the same. I like open, tidy surroundings. I like life that way too. 🙂

    Love the black and white pics. And wow, you were brave to pick up a hitchhiker!


    • Thank you! It was many, many years ago in Crete and I don’t think this grandmother would have called for an Uber even if it existed back then. It’s how she rolls. But yes it was a chance to stop, let’s just say I was in the right company if she were to be a ploy. Enjoy your open and tidy surroundings!

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    • Thank you also for checking my space and wondering! I had another subscriber with a similar concern. If you didn’t get this last post in your inbox then please visit and update the settings. Check to see if the Settings tab on that page to make certain emails are not set to be blocked, sometimes done by accident:) If you notice the settings tab is fine then I would email details to and they will gladly assist directly.

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  2. Your stories always inspire me, Cristina, and you’ve done it again! Occasionally I do notice that clutter accumulates and I need to stay focused and clear out! I can hear how the fall/school routine threatens the harmony achieved in the summer months and I hope you’ll quickly find harmony. You are so purposeful and I feel confident you will! ❤️


    • Thank you Debra for your kindness and support, I am forever grateful. The schedule is what it is and will hopefully have a solution to this calamity for the next seasons in of sports. We certainly appreciate the breaks more. Cheers to clearing out and creating harmony.


  3. I live in a cluttered mess, but I find it comforting. I also like clean open spaces though. Actually, I find I must have a clean house, just not a neat tidy one. My husband is the opposite: he craves tidiness, but a dirty floor or dust doesn’t faze him. It drives me crazy. But my things strewn all over the place drive him crazy! I guess we are a match made in heaven. 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Ha, Ha! Isn’t it funny how we are all programmed differently. No one else in my nest seems to mind things out of order. The more complicated our lives get the more sensitive I am about simplicity and everything having to have it’s place.


  4. I follow the ideas of a ‘feng shui’ home where good chi flows easily. Clutter makes me anxious and during weeks with lots of work i find myself loosing focus as the house gets messy, so regardless of how busy i might be i have to stop and organize to center myself. I think it helps keep the harmony, not just in the space but also between those who inhabit it. I rid the house of unnecessary stuff, especially in closets, luckily next week i’ll have time to do fall cleaning, and start the ‘indoors’ seasons fresh. Happy fall!


    • Yes getting to that stable place is always a work in progress. Do you also feel like once you cleared your space that you find more that could be cleared as if now other things are more visible that you could also do without? Wishing you a rush of new and refreshing energies once you have a chance to clear. Happy Fall and fresh starts with you too!


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