Still Searching

Around this time of year by way of its crisp and frosty air, carrying with it hints of citrusy aromatic Douglas fir and the woodsy vapors of rosemary on melting fat of a leg of lamb, I don’t feel like venturing outdoors much. Instead huddled by the fire snacking on holiday delicacies displayed in vessels made with love is more like it. If you set out to keep the season simple like me and are still searching for that exceptional something for that special someone…look no further. Gather up a few materials, roll up your sleeves and with a few motions, transform monochromatic clay into tiny, yet impressive vessels for your cherished ones. I’m smitten with these and hope they are received with as much adoration. This seems like a good enough season to offer vessels that stow away necessities, cradle your precious belongings or hold your thoughts of peace, love and joy to you and to whoever else will accept it.

I personally loved how the ones pressed with linen turned out. If you haven’t seen these previously when I posted on Instagram here is the link for the step by step creative instructions to these tiny vessels who in turn collaborated with Rose Pearlman click?u=b79ae275873f87135f0fb5b93&id=594597abcb&e=fe294c8b0f

14 thoughts on “Still Searching

  1. These are definitely charming, and very creative, Cristina. I love the idea of keeping it simple, and to the extent that others will cooperate with me, I can sometimes get there. LOL! I hope all is well with you and I certainly wish the best to you and your lovely family this coming year. xx

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    • Thank you dear Debra. I can’t take credit for this idea, it was generously shared through that web of social media that I find solace in when events in this world seem to grow increasingly awkward, uncomfortable and nonsensical. It’s good to know where to find kindness, love and support. Thank you for your well wishes, wishing you and yours a merry and bright New Year.

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    • Yes, I definately preferred this look from a tea towel instead of cellophane wrap which I haven’t bought for years now. Chistmas time is a magical time with a lot if work, taking it easy for the first. May your circumventing the oceans adventures continue to enrich your days with color and meaning…happy 2020!

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    • Thank you for your kind thoughts, I do appreciate them. Keeping it simple isn’t always as simple as it seems, especially when not all is on board, but it does resonate with me as the years get by. Wishing you a great new decade!

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