In Between

Smashed, not creamed, fruit sprinkled with goodness made with love for budding physiques and minds. Chips for dipping, then munching—a light, yet hearty snack for in between games.Just three this weekend, half of last weekend’s whirlwind of an adventure. Snugly in a car seat, time in between for a nap. Moments like these, I have no choice but to get crafty in the kitchen. Cheers to my latest trick of creating guacamole—no need for a mortar. A simple wooden slate to slice, mince and squeeze, sprinkle and mash. Chunky wholesome goodness served on the same prepping board and equipped with the fork it was mashed with.Can you blame me with three growling bears, one right out of dreamland, the other depleted of energy from playing an entire game and the other hauled along for the ride anticipating his time on the turf? While all members in our nest are avocado enthusiasts, the fruit is not much to look at. Rough and bumpy, also referred to as an alligator pear, it doesn’t merit any smugness and is not the star in a still life. But slice a knife through its buttery, fleshy inside, a dash of salt and squeeze of lemon…it’s a food of possibility. Have I convinced you to try this one-less-item-to-clean approach for guacamole?

Parsley is pictured here, however cilantro is the showstopper in guacamole. I dream of a simple life where I can attend to my herbs and not let them seed. While I have coriander now, I will have to wait for some cilantro to sprout again from seed. Until then, we dart from one field to another, my little bears like a cordovan commotion, in and out of the nest. These swiftly occurring events growing around me must be roots and I must attend to this type of gardening for now. Remember my other nifty trick of blending all the ingredients we sprinkle on our avocado here?

Make in advance for these in between moments or make it during your in between moments. Play a favorite tune or two while cleaning up, currently baby bear’s partial to the Trolls soundtrack, and even do a jig. I finally have my dance partner and even though she’s pint-sized and we dance in between grazing, sprucing up the nest and whizzing about from destination to destination, she’s unfailing, always ready for the next round. Happy in between moments to us all.

12 thoughts on “In Between

    • Yes, can’t remember where I read that description, but I have never heard anyone use it to reference the avocado. Thank you enjoy your Mother’s Day and the rest of your in between weekend moments.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hope it satisfies your tummy. It’s quick to make even if you have guest at your side, everyone loves to dip a chip. Wishing you lots of sunshine, I think it’s raining the rest of the month here.


  1. Oh but you’ve got me hungry now, Cristina! I love your method of making guac and the seasonings you use really add to the temptation! I think it must makes sense to use the same prep board for smashing and then eating. Great suggestion!

    I don’t care how expensive avocados get they are a simply a must in our diet. There is so much nutrition in the guacamole you make, which is wonderful, but I think it tomorrow some study determined it was not a healthy option, I’d have to ignore that study! It’s just too delicious.

    You have quite the busy schedule with your little bears! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have to agree with you Debra, I wouldn’t stop eating avocados because of a few set backs. I’m hoping our potted avocado plants will bear fruit in a few years, I wish we could have one in the earth, why don’t you start your tree with a pit? Simply put it in water wait for roots and plant. Yes, things get busy around here, poor baby bear…it’s not always fair for her.


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