Something Had Come

IMG_4633 The children sensed something was coming while they tossed fitfully in their beds last night. No one noticed the bright red sleigh with nine little reindeer soaring through the twilight sky, no one heard the creaking of the old wooden floor, and no one saw who ate the gingerbread-scented treats that were scrupulously positioned near the chimney. The boys woke up twinkled-eyed and thankful that something had come. This seasonal morning, the fairytale of all tales, is the most thrilling moment of the year for a young child. From this day forward the days grow longer, dreaming of this magical morning to arrive again. IMG_4652

On Christmas Eve, we stayed snuggled around our nest reading our favorite book of the month, What’s Coming for Christmas? by Kate Banks, made some crafty snowmen from stale peanuts, an idea from Sweet Paul and prepared some treats for that something that was coming. IMG_4613IMG_4627 I enjoyed my thrift shop find IMG_4588 and my artisanal balsamics from House of Balsamic. These treasures inspired me to prepare a special candlelit meal for this evening. IMG_4601IMG_2699

Wishing you the Merriest of Merries and here’s to hoping that something will come to your nest, year after year!

6 thoughts on “Something Had Come

    • Euxaristo! The first one of the stars was taken when we started starring into the soon-to-be-evening sky for that one special guy. The feature photo was taken at Laguna Nursery–always an adventure there.


  1. I’m so glad you referenced the Laguna Nursery. I think the last time I visited was Christmas last year. I need to make another trip for inspiration soon! 🙂 You do so much to make Christmas magical, Cristina, and I hope your boys will always hold onto that sense of wonder and awe.


    • The nursery had quite the cabaret special this year, although I didn’t make it for that evening. The day we went there was champagne and a piano player, quite mellow a few days before Christmas actually. I love garden walking with Ruben–it’s such a hoot and always a new adventure and yes, Debra, I do agree very inspirational to be there. I have been wondering if this magical day will last many more years…I hope they do hold on to wondering too! Hope yours was magical as well.


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