Show Your Stripes

is based on the idea that soldiers wear stripes of material sewn onto a uniform that show rank. In other words be proud of who you are and what you stand for. How often does this resonate with you? SONY DSCSONY DSC As I laze away on my freshly painted stumps, I can’t help but wonder am I doing enough to arm my little guys with the tools to not only earn their stripes but proudly wear their stripes. My culpability as well as other authoritative figures in their daily lives rely on the outcome. Sure I give them rock star treatment on their birthdays and lots of hugs on all days,  but they are growing at warp speed…am I expecting too much from them? I have seen a lot of coddling especially toward boys in my culture from their fine mamas and papas and vowed that I would not participate in the tradition. Why can’t boys share the same responsibilities as girls or why do boys deserve more attention than girls were thoughts that always hovered about in my mind. As the only female in my nest, I’m constantly bombarded with flurries of testosterone and find myself at a loss. Why are you all so attracted to those video games? While there is not a lot of braggadocio taking place I struggle with the gaming rapture that has taken over. Is this what’s causing them to neglect the little things around the nest which in turn make me more irritable. There is no doubt we are from different planets…the trick is how can we go about our daily lives and make it fair for both female and male needs. Any suggestions that work in your nest?
I do have hope and in the process of working through the estrogen versus testosterone battle, I have been busy painting stripes and animal print to decorate my refuge from the heated debacle.  SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC The original tree stumps are from a Eucalyptus tree that took a great fall, you may remember them in their state of limbo here, and have fostered my reprieve–a place to catch my breath and enjoy the great outdoors along with the much-longed for coastal breeze. Here’s to working together and building confidence and discipline masterfully.SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC

6 thoughts on “Show Your Stripes

  1. Our boys have household chores they need to do. It’s nice when they reach the age where they can fully take over. I haven’t emptied the dishwasher in a while. 😉 It helps, too, that they see their dad do things. Although my hubs never (ever) cooks, he does do the laundry. He always has. Said he didn’t like the way I did it. (When we were in college, I was poor and needed to save my quarters at the laundromat, so I just washed everything together on cold. Only had a few things come out pink that weren’t supposed to be. He didn’t care for my method… ) After all these years, he still does it. Works for me!


  2. In the back of my mind, I think of his future partner. We’re trying to raise him to be neat, clean and considerate. It helps that dad BBQ’s and makes Sunday night dinner. Since his uncle has a giant booth a ComiCon, I’m in no hurry to introduce the video games. He has the rest of his life to discover them. I’d rather he be grounded and involved with conversations going on around him rather than disconnected and peering at a screen 🙂


    • I’m impressed you haven’t introduced video games. Although, it doesn’t surprise me, your little man is quite articulate. I lost that battle and it’s not an easy feat to put a limit on playing time when papa is just as addictive. Happy conversing.


  3. Beautiful. I couldn’t find the former post on the trees — the link took me to Easter egg dying? I was curious about those stumps because i grew up near groves of Eucalyptus trees. Though they aren’t native to California, it’s their scent that brings me back to my homeland!

    I only have one boy, but still outnumbered by the testosterone…. they are not into sports, so at least I don’t have to content with the football games, baseball, hockey, whatever sport on tv! My son likes video games, but not the fighting ones, which he’s not allowed to do anyway… It’s more like Minecraft, which his female friends are involved in as much as he is!

    No, it’s more that I’m outnumbered by their love of sugar….. Candy, cookies, ice cream, always abounds because his dad has an incredible sweet tooth.


    • Thank you, that is the right post if you scroll down you will see pictures of the stumps in the background and the photo of the unbaked brownie shows the raw form of the stumps. I loved them as is but since we are enveloped with bamboo and cedar in our nest, I decided to go to the dark side with them. I agree the smell of a Eucalyptus tree is my favorite…wish we had one in our yard. Yes I like Minecraft but after a couple hours that too needs to be put aside, too. Yes, we have the love of dessert and treats from the testosterone drive here too.


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