The Round Table Makes its Congenial Comeback

SONY DSC It was relegated to a storage unit that was allotted with our previous apartment because I couldn’t sell it at a price I thought was fair. SONY DSCI am certainly pleased things worked out and that its presence is transformed and glorified in our new nest. After a little sanding and some masterstrokes of black stain, I converted the old wagon wheel table into a furniture piece where we converse over our home made meals. SONY DSC I almost forgot how lovely this family-style of eating can be and I especially like the circular structure…something about how the energy flows effortlessly without any sharp corners. For the last few years we have eaten casually at our kitchen counters and in our former nest there only was room for two diners. Usually I ate standing above the counter/range, certainly handy for entertaining but this alter-like hierarchy created a rift between our dialogue and certainly was not a mindful way of enjoying food we created. In fact it really never felt like a meal, it wasn’t quite cafeteria style where I plopped things on a plate and shoved it on their side of the counter but the connection was fuzzy at best. Food certainly can satisfy your taste buds but a meal enjoyed around a table connects people. Have you tried eating family-style at a restaurant? We always meet such interesting people (not in LA everyone is so into themselves) but here in our laid back beach town we always strike up a conversation with total strangers and sometimes we fall deep into our discussion even a water glass maybe confusing to pick-up. “Oh, is this one mine?” So while this wagon wheel hauled many miles in its former life, it’s now reincarnated as our anchor to our new connections from a simple breakfast to a more elaborate feast. It is our discovery point, our educational center and our medley of emotions at times. Do you set a table every night in your nest and take time to share ideas and thoughts? It’s challenging sometimes with all our crazy schedules, but do make time for an occasional meal around a table and see what you discover.   SONY DSCSONY DSC

10 thoughts on “The Round Table Makes its Congenial Comeback

  1. My teenage sons tease me about how insistent I am about a nightly family meal, but I never budge. It’s one of my steadfast rules–we always eat as a family at dinner, though on weekends we might go out or get takeout. Family meals are important for connection and keeping up with everything everyone is doing. Studies show that adolescents who eat dinner nightly with their families have less adjustment problems and less substance abuse problems. How wonderful that such a simple thing can have such a big effect. So my boys can continue to tease me. I don’t care. 🙂

    Love the table. So pretty!


    • Thank you! I am sure they will appreciate your efforts one day and hopefully you will be able to see the greatest reward…they will continue to create meal time with their families as well when they have a nest of their own!


  2. As you mention the madness of everyday life takes over and this important ritual gets left behind. We don’t eat together as a family nearly as much as we should but I am trying to work on that and make sure it happens more often. It’s funny how as adolescents we fight this idea (I know I did) but now I can see how important it is and why my parents insisted.


    • I’m sure my first commenter can appreciate your thoughts and wish for things to turn out like you wish now. I bet it wasn’t easy as an adolescent to always want to meet at the table with an older brother like yours. ha, ha!


    • Thank you. Even better no cleaning up after you eat just great conversations and full tummies.Question for my New Yorker friends, do you ever sit family-style at restaurants and if so do you even look at the other side of the table?


  3. What a great table! I’m glad you didn’t let it go too soon, Cristina, since it seems to fit beautifully in your home. I think that eating at the table as a family is just a wonderful way to raise children. So much happens in a day that would probably never be discussed if it weren’t for the time when the family relaxes around the table. I am a Los Angeles native…you are so right about not sharing family style in restaurants. I’m not sure I’d be very good at it…LOL! I barely make eye contact…Not my proudest admission! 🙂 But I do like to eat at the table with my family!


    • Thank you Debra! I bet I could get you to talk to me at a family-style table in LA. Even in the cyberworld you come across as an approachable and warm person–we would have lots to talk about over a meal. Wishing you many more wonderful family meals at your table.


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