Party Girl

SONY DSCSONY DSC  Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations. – Alan Watts
Stars are often beheld in a positive and reverent way, even a shooting star is a sight that bedazzles so why not sprinkle them in the nursery? It’s the north facing wall and if I could I would have painted it an inky black, like a starry night sky. To dodge outraging the landlord who has notified us that she is listing the house (that we have called home for the last nine months) on the market, I refrained from prying open a can of paint and settled for the neutral-hued wall that we were provided with. Bla, bla boring…I would love to traverse the threshold into the dark side with a few walls in our nest, it would feel warmer, cozier and not so uptight. While the north bears a bleaker characteristic than the BA-gua direction of the south (remember south represents the heat, the bounty and the roses of summer) careers and business are governed by this compass point. So maybe with these luminaries above her head, my little one can dream of her future…her career possibilities are endless under the twinkling stars.
In the meantime, she continues to be our party girl. My seven-year-old composed this poem in her honor. His teacher mentioned he had it down in minutes…sounds like him, a wham-bam-thank-you-mam kind of guy.

My baby sister
is a party girl.
She sleeps in the morning
And she wakes up at night.

He signed it with the word Cool in front of his name. Well at least he sees himself as a positive role model in her life and didn’t feel the urge to create a poem with the other name we affectionately call her, el poopador. SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC
What does the north wall in your nest look like? Consider some of the eight points of the Ba-gua compass in that area: career, business success, black, number: 1, water, winter. The north supports the tortoise, a symbol of longevity as its animal, which mitigates the association with death. Look up to the interstellar universe for inspiration in your nest. Explore something new or even your future with a little feng shui inspiration or by using brilliant, beautiful and uplifting constellations within your nest. Lights are good feng shui for any Ba-gua area, simply remember to incorporate lights, in this case stars that shine, to fit harmoniously with your surroundings and to contemplate good intentions. SONY DSCSONY DSC



8 thoughts on “Party Girl

  1. What a little love bug! Seeing those pictures takes me back. Ah, to hold my sons as babies just one more time. So sweet.

    Love the poem. (And the name el poopador!) But sorry to hear your home has been put on the market. You’ve spent so much time making it lovely.


    • Happy to take you back memory lane and glad you enjoyed the poem. I know, so sad about another move…the only thing keeping me strong is that I am relying on help…lots of it this time, the more the merrier…let’s hope it all goes smoothly.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my gosh, Cristina! Have I been so far away that I missed her birth? Oh those precious little feet! I love the way you’re decorating and wonder where you’ll be flying to your next nest! I have to go back and see what I’ve missed. Apparently something tremendously important. oxoxo


    • You had a wonderful reason to be away Debra…may your new extended family create many happy memories together. We will not be flying too far from the nest…real estate here is so tight we started looking the day we found out…may the force be with me!


    • Thank you and an extra special thank you for stopping by! I’m guessing your garage, sun-room and attic space need some love…don’t worry and don’t overwhelm yourself take baby steps and I would definitely start with the sun-room. Take a week if you want to clear the space and I am sure you will find the energy once you are able to enjoy relaxing in it especially now that Spring is in the air.


    • Not exactly the quality we were aspiring for, but we are hopeful she will come around and enjoy sleeping instead of being alert in the evenings…unless of course you are offering to watch her in the evenings!


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