Shelter From the Storm

It was something unexpected, awe-inspiring and enlightening…we couldn’t pass up the opportunity for play around this structure. Wandering along the city streets for curbside treasure, since parks were soggy and water still beading off slides from the recent rainfall, we of course couldn’t resist.This moment stopped us in our tracks while scavenging for sweetly scented foliage after a hard rain to admire. While moments of predictability are comforting, a flash of spontaneity can also offer some solace. We were engulfed by massiveness; the vulnerability was inescapable. Architects, artisans, collaborators all poured their hard work and great care into the structure for us to marvel and enjoy—thank you! In between thunderstorms, puddling water for tiny feet to splash in are irresistibly thrilling but playing alongside these towering columns was spine-tingling, even for me as I watched my toddler at play along the edge! Scattered thunderstorms in the forecast for most of the summer will not bring us down. It does require a little planning…here me Zeus and keep them intermittent so that we can dart out here and there and witness the city anew with vibrant color and a cheerful sky that bursts out of a darkening cosmos.

 Ahh…the unfailing wonder of nature (and sometimes human enterprise) …it brings out a bit of giddiness in us. And so, with a determined nudge, I prodded Baby Bear to follow the path down to where it was time to pick up the other Bears. We are new devotees to this discovery and will soon be back to count the steps again and weave between the columns, maybe with the older Bears. Whatever the summer brings you, may you at times find shelter from the storm.

14 thoughts on “Shelter From the Storm

  1. I imagine you experience some really spectacular thunderstorms, Cristina. Who needs 4th of July fireworks! How wonderful to find places for little miss baby bear to explore and enjoy simply because everything at her age is a game and special if mom is enthusiastic! You set a very fine example. She is just adorable (beautiful!) and I can’t believe how grown up she is now. Where does time go? That’s obviously what you’re thinking when you go out in the city to explore and give her such a rich experience. I loved seeing these photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Debra! It’s a gift to receive such kind words from you. I do enjoy her company when we’re out and about and we try to have an adventure. I don’t know how they did fireworks tonight, the thunderstorm and flash floodings certainly were the main show for us. I hope that people were able to take care of their homes.


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