Stay August Stay

If only we could stop the month of August and let it linger on a bit longer. Its light, like steeping tea seeps into the western part of the nest. Dusk…that magical light, in this eve of August night, nimbly plays in this little spot of cheer.

Time elapsing…I have so much sun soaking to do, so many more summery thrills to delight in, why is this beloved season so fleeting? Early evening cool reals in, miraculously without the distant roar of thunder and without the swishing of leaves on tree tops.The kitchen door is purposefully propped opened, felines both make a dash into the overwhelming lushness of late summer afternoons. I remain waiting on a friend, waiting to pour a libation and waiting to stir up something warm. In the meantime, the southwestern part of my space blushed crimson with embarrassment. My large-brimmed hat and my shades both devotedly fulfilled their tasks for the day and now rest on the forsaken table.Thank goodness for patio tables and long lingering summer-day skies. Thank goodness for friends that spontaneously swing by. Is there something you wish to delight in before it’s time to say adieu to that lingering late evening light?

23 thoughts on “Stay August Stay

  1. Go August go! That is how we feel in our part of the world. It has been horribly hot, humid and miserable summer for us. Let’s hope our fall brings what your August seems to have brought.

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  2. Summer is surely slipping by, here in Piedmont it already began to cool {finally} and we have had some rain. It has been a lovely season, hope you get to enjoy more gatherings in your patio before the cold months land.

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    • Enjoy the cool breezes, I think we may finally get some cool weather tonight after more rainfall surprise, surprise. Not fond of all the sticky humidity, but I am dearly hanging onto that light…it’s already leaving us more quickly I’m afraid.


  3. I sighed with a sense of knowing what you’re saying, Cristina. I just don’t want summer to end! My granddaughters are already back to school, but we’re loving eating dinner outdoors and I can garden for another hour after dinner before we lose light! I’m not ready for “lights out” at 5! 🙂 I know we need the seasons and the changes should be welcome, but I’m also not quite ready yet. Hope you and your little bears are doing well. xx


    • Welcoming a new season is inevitable, this one is always the hardest to accept. Maybe I’ll invest in patio lights to dine al fresco just a bit longer. All Bears are restless and eager for the change as well. Thank you Debra for your thoughts and well wishes. Peace and harmony to you and all in your nest.


  4. “I have so much sun soaking to do, so many more summery thrills to delight in, why is this beloved season so fleeting?” My thoughts exactly! But, everything changes and we must try to look forward to the delights of autumn and winter ahead. In the meantime, I’m delighting in every second spent in the hazy last moments of outdoors. Happy lingering!

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