Rafting Away

I once read that sea otters are known to hold hands in groups while they sleep to prevent families from losing each other. It doesn’t get more adorable than this! They lovingly wrap themselves in kelp beds while resting as well…I can’t help but think of this sweet image while I lay in my bed under the snug covers and feel a limb or two entangled around mine. Whether it’s Papa Bear’s or my little cubs’ legs, there is never a time when our legs are not linked under the covers. Can we be worried that our dreams will drift us so far apart that we practice rafting like sea otters in our beds? Does this sound familiar in your nest? I can’t help but wonder when I’ll stop hearing the pitter-pattering of tiny feet dashing across the floor at some point in the middle of the night or how we will all fair with yet another little pair of cub’s legs soon into the mix. Well, it’s certainly not a worry to me, in fact, how strange it will feel when they eventually do stop appearing under the covers. Not only did I have my share of caresses this Valentine’s weekend, we also bared our hearts in our kitchen. Thanks to Glutton for Life’s post I Am Love, I was able to introduce something new into our nest for a special Valentine’s treat. I love the idea of spooning this delight right out of the dish from the oven.  SONY DSCSONY DSC I sparingly crushed hazelnuts so I created a raw Nutella-like fudge with the extra.SONY DSCSONY DSC I always search for raw and organic nuts and soak them overnight. This meal was a labor of love (at least for me, equipped with little ingenuity skills in the kitchen) but worth the trial. Also consider making another dish while it bakes. I made split pea soup accompanied with a stack of Sangak, a Persian flatbread made fresh that day from the local market. My youngest says he “can’t get over how they use their nails to make this,” he wonders why they can’t use a fork instead. Nonetheless, when it’s fresh and hot out of the oven, it smells like heaven and all nails are forgotten. Wishing you love that never stops growing in your nest. SONY DSCSONY DSCSONY DSC

14 thoughts on “Rafting Away

  1. My boys never slept with us during the night, but on weekend mornings, they’d come running into our bed where we’d cuddle with them for another hour or two of blissful slumber. Oh, how I miss those warm hugs and sweet-smelling heads. Of course, now that I have teens, those days are long gone. But at least the memories aren’t. 🙂

    Your soup looks wonderful!


    • Thank you…it touched me when I read what those adorable creatures do and then thought how similar to what we do. I now envision us on the sea rafting away every night to somewhere serene and peaceful.


  2. Hi, Cristina. I¹m sorry I am unable to post comments on your blog posts but there seems to be a problem on my Mac at home that I haven¹t figured out. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I¹m still reading it and enjoying it and am glad the pea soup turned out so good. Love the legs and sheets comments; your writing is so right on! Happy Saturday, Trish


  3. So, now I’m hungry! And want to play with sleeping otters! 🙂 I love how you talk about cuddling in bed. The hubby and I call it “Hookey feet” because I hook my feet around his legs and hug them and won’t let go. Those are the most wonderful things about love. Things like hookey feet and linked legs under the covers. Ahh…life is good. 🙂 XOXOXOOX


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