Late Bloomers

Arriving later to the party. Better later than never, perhaps all the wiser. Quiet, reflective and astute…it’s the only way they know. Limitless potential bursting into the scene here, without a worry of the majority in the beginning stages of … Continue reading

Two Steppin.

such is spring…two steps forward, a few steps back but always moving. can’t stop the feeling, one moment wailing, another twirling and another soaring on the withers of a horse with all hoofs in mid-air glide. can’t go backwards from … Continue reading

Gangling Like a Sprouting Teen

Gangling Like a Sprouting Teen

Condensed and complicated in a seed, a shape waiting to burst through.Against a future sky, verdant tentacles unfurling, curling, stretching and reaching.Beyond the horizon, a life you can’t even imagine.