This Playful Trio

And the magic they create…psst here’s a little secret to happiness, flow through life young at heart, always.



with others but primarily play more.

Getting Our Fill

You cannot receive too much nourishment from the universe any more than you can breathe too much air or tube roll too much. Last ones to leave this farm; we’ll be back for another dose of giddiness, hilarity and mirth. … Continue reading

The Missing Peace

The Missing Peace

Behavior is only the outward expression of something else which happens on a deeper level, consciously or unconsciously we share our feelings in all sorts of combinations. Foo is a no nonsense type of guy and exhibits encouragement, fun, delight…pure … Continue reading

Well, Well, Well…Look at Our Handywork

Currents of compassion,Ever present yet immeasurable,laughter, love and creationnot yet floatingbut one day…one raft,two girlsdetermined to floatwith a biting windfor extra encouragement.

Wrapped in the Wonder

The present is where all the good stuff resides. To live in the dream is to live in the knowing, to live in fear, frightens you out of present happiness and threatens all that could be taken. Live your dream.

Jumpin’ Jack Flash

Jumpin’ Jack Flash

Summer Plunge

Summer Plunge

Happy summer launch to all in the Northern Hemisphere…may it be dreamy and yummy! Guessing from the thistles swaying alongside roadsides, I think there may be a touchpoint or two that we will be dancing in the sweet honeysuckle breezes … Continue reading

Rites of Summer

Rites of Summer

It’s not officially summer yet but boy are we playing like it is. Water fun is an undoubtedly anticipated sign of summer, a rite of passage into the season of sun filled days of outdoor adventures. Watching my brood take … Continue reading

A Place to Hide

A Place to Hide

This little acorn is an avid hide and seek player, assured she is completely invisible yet geared up to screech in delight when my hands loom inches away from her anticipating the squeeze. This kind of purity and transparency is … Continue reading