And Then There Was One.

The original gang consisted of three. A Dalmatian spotted one, a zebra striped one and now just this lonely one. The former ones that past were best buds frolicking about in their four-sided quarters. The Dalmatian one was the first … Continue reading

I’ll Stop the World and Melt with You.

This gallery contains 2 photos.

My favorite part of the weekday is wrapping my arms around my little ones when I pick them up from their long day at school. Mornings always flash by like a bolt of lightening that I barely have a chance … Continue reading

Don’t just go with the grain…

This gallery contains 15 photos.

paint it! Wood, a true natural beauty in its raw grainy state, however, sometimes it’s fun to paint a story with wood furniture in your nest. A time-washed look can furnish your space with the precise vibe and still exhibit … Continue reading

It doesn’t get any happier

This gallery contains 22 photos.

  than happy hour in the summer time.  I am not so young and far from perfect and certainly have quite a bit of chutzpah left in me to make some good in this world, but sometimes a little happy … Continue reading

Thyme Out

My little guy received a thyme out in the garden when his godlike temper got the best of him. Whether coping mechanisms to overcome the disappointment of losing a board game fail or when hunger or exhaustion kick in and … Continue reading

“It starts today.

This gallery contains 22 photos.

  And, it starts small, with a little bet. It’s really that simple and that hard. The world needs your creativity and passion now more than ever. With all the challenges facing our country and world, we need a creative … Continue reading

Fame, Fortune and Festivity

This gallery contains 8 photos.

arrived just in time for the warm leisurely days of summer. With four parties to attend last weekend and preparing for the end of the school year celebrations to include, pool parties, tea parties and all day end of the … Continue reading

Ready or Not…

This gallery contains 5 photos.

…Here Comes June. Happy first of the month! Not just any month… it’s the long -awaited- here-at-last-start-of-the-summer month! And even though pomegranates in this hemisphere are not quite ripe until the end of the summer their fiery red flowers are … Continue reading

Do You Have What it Takes to Change Your Destiny? Feng Shui 101

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 This question has been racing in mind lately. It all started when I had sometime before my next appointment to make a pit stop at a local coffee shop equipped with WIFI to work on my laptop. A conversation unveiled … Continue reading

Foraging for Your Nest–

This gallery contains 4 photos.

   “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year“. I could not relate to the lyrics of Edward Pola and George Wyle when I was living in the part of the country where extreme weather conditions ambushed us whenever and for … Continue reading